Ars Dialectica
Joining critical fragments to reflect on the whole

News aggregators the death of News Ltd?

Category: By Blogsy
Chairman Rupert's underlings are attacking the scourge of the well researched, even handed reporting we're accustomed to in his stable of media outlets. Just what is the source of these threats? The humble news aggregator. Apparently the Chairman reckons Google News and the like are putting him out of business and he wants them to pay, and while we’re at it we’ll have another go at flogging bulky technology nobody wanted in the first place. Bloggers are just an echo chamber (the irony of one Murdoch paper referencing the editor of another to attack echo chambers) we’re told, but of course ‘churnalism’ is unheard of at News Limited

Next thing you he’ll be demanding search engines pay to put links to their searches.

Sometimes someone else puts it better than you can.

P.S. A friend tells me the Chairman is not alone in not liking news aggregators.

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