Ars Dialectica
Joining critical fragments to reflect on the whole


Category: , By Blogsy
Yesterday was the deadline for Americans to file their tax returns. Conservatives have been trying to organise a mass protest that would supposedly be reminiscent of the Boston Tea Party, the idea was to hold small get togethers over a cuppa and then send the used tea bags in the mail to members of Congress. The idea has been heavily promoted in an astro turfing campaign by right wing media outlets, especially by the Chairman’s Fox ‘News’. Being the clever people that they are, they decided to call the protest ‘teabagging’, seemingly unaware that word already had a completely different meaning that wasn’t quite what they had in mind. Aside from being a spectacular flop like all astro turfing campaigns are (because no one actually supports them) the failed campaign has provided much mirth for the rest of the American media, as can be seen here:

Let's see if the 'teabaggers' put their money where their mouths are (nothing like a good double entendre) and refuse to lodge their tax returns.

Incidentally, here's what a real protest about a real issue looks like. Massive respect for these brave women standing up for their rights against oppressive sexist laws enacted in the name of Islam.


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