The Fundamental List
I’ve decided to start a regular series based on the Australian Christian Lobby’s weekly podcast to let people know what the Christian Right is up to.
This week:
There’s a new book that is part of the Learn To Include (LTI) series called ‘Where did I really come from?’ apparently from the NSW Attorney General’s Department (even though the Attorney General has said he’s not connected with the book ) dealing with different family relationships and age appropriate sex ed and they’re not happy Jan! Chairman Rupert’s media outlets are displaying their customary considered, even handed reporting. They seem to just be having a spray that it’s been published but there’s not much they can do about it.
The Australian Research Alliance for Children and Youth have put out a report saying that current systems of dealing with child abuse are not adequate. They’re using this to say we should stop allowing marriages to break up and focus on the child, saying we tolerate anything and everything blah, blah, blah and we should extend the Northern Territory intervention to the white community. No real action, they’re just using it to push their own agenda that report’s authors would not subscribe to.
Alcohol advertising will possibly no longer be self-regulated. The proposal is for mandatory vetting of alcohol ads to make sure they’re not promoting binge drinking. They want Senator Fielding’s proposal to ban advertising during cricket matches to be taken up and for there to be health warnings on alcohol as there are on tobacco products but aren’t urging people to do anything
National “Thanksgiving Day” is on 30th May. No it's not the American holiday, this was dreamed up six years ago by the Australian Prayer Network and Brian Pickering. The Governor General and Prime Minister are on board, as they were under the last government. We’re all supposed go to our local fundy bookstore (Koorong Books) or their website and buy cards (nice little fundraiser that) to thank politicians and public servants for the job they do. This year they’re particularly urging people to thank Communications Minister Steven Conroy for his attempts to censor the internet at ISP level which have been massively unpopular. You can find out more about this day where we're supposed to acknowledge "the Lordship of Jesus Christ over our nation" here.
Yet again they’re bashing the human rights consultation and the proposed Charter of Rights as an attack on their religious freedom and urging people to write short submissions to the consultation as they say “this issue is far too important to let go so please do act on it.”
This week:
There’s a new book that is part of the Learn To Include (LTI) series called ‘Where did I really come from?’ apparently from the NSW Attorney General’s Department (even though the Attorney General has said he’s not connected with the book ) dealing with different family relationships and age appropriate sex ed and they’re not happy Jan! Chairman Rupert’s media outlets are displaying their customary considered, even handed reporting. They seem to just be having a spray that it’s been published but there’s not much they can do about it.
The Australian Research Alliance for Children and Youth have put out a report saying that current systems of dealing with child abuse are not adequate. They’re using this to say we should stop allowing marriages to break up and focus on the child, saying we tolerate anything and everything blah, blah, blah and we should extend the Northern Territory intervention to the white community. No real action, they’re just using it to push their own agenda that report’s authors would not subscribe to.
Alcohol advertising will possibly no longer be self-regulated. The proposal is for mandatory vetting of alcohol ads to make sure they’re not promoting binge drinking. They want Senator Fielding’s proposal to ban advertising during cricket matches to be taken up and for there to be health warnings on alcohol as there are on tobacco products but aren’t urging people to do anything
National “Thanksgiving Day” is on 30th May. No it's not the American holiday, this was dreamed up six years ago by the Australian Prayer Network and Brian Pickering. The Governor General and Prime Minister are on board, as they were under the last government. We’re all supposed go to our local fundy bookstore (Koorong Books) or their website and buy cards (nice little fundraiser that) to thank politicians and public servants for the job they do. This year they’re particularly urging people to thank Communications Minister Steven Conroy for his attempts to censor the internet at ISP level which have been massively unpopular. You can find out more about this day where we're supposed to acknowledge "the Lordship of Jesus Christ over our nation" here.
Yet again they’re bashing the human rights consultation and the proposed Charter of Rights as an attack on their religious freedom and urging people to write short submissions to the consultation as they say “this issue is far too important to let go so please do act on it.”