Where does one go to hear what the average reactionary is thinking these days?
One of the features of the internet is that anyone with the inclination to do so can set up a website that enables people of like minds to find each other, all well and good except when you get websites that purport to be one thing whilst actually being quite another. Take Mercatornet, a site I happened across a while back and which seems to glory in posting articles that are either pointless and dull or bigoted in the extreme and (generally) attract comments in keeping with the author's prejudices and which seem to vie with each other for the level of absurdness and extremity contained in them. It also routinely censors reader's comments that don't conform to its editorial line. It claims to be neither conservative nor liberal, strictly speaking this accurate, it's reactionary in its views on modern society and comes out of a hardline Catholic perspective that is alien to most Catholics; apparently its editor is a member of Opus Dei. Though it is based in Australia, practically none of its content is related to Australia.
There's a rather good write up on more about the site and its contributors here.
There's a rather good write up on more about the site and its contributors here.