Ars Dialectica
Joining critical fragments to reflect on the whole

New Hampshire Legalises Same-sex Marriage

Category: , By Blogsy
After a bit of argy bargy New Hampshire has legalised same-sex marriage. Marriage certificates will be obtainable regardless of whether a couple lives in New Hampshire or not. The legislation distinguishes between civil and religious marriage, a religious marriage being a civil one with additional mumbo jumbo for added effect that doesn’t have any legal impact.

The Governor sought to have the legislation clarify that Priests/Pastors/Rabbis/Imams etc don’t have to marry people if they have a theological objection to doing so, which was basically the situation anyway, it’s not like an Imams marry Catholics as it is now. The other aspect of what the Governor demanded is that religious bodies don’t have to make property they might own available to host a same-sex wedding if they object to it. This might be more contentious if the property or the body that runs it receives state funding for its upkeep or renovation. Nevertheless it is another step forward.

It comes just U.S. Secretary of State Hillary Clinton officially recognised June as Pride Month and pledged to "advance a comprehensive human rights agenda that includes the elimination of violence and discrimination against people based on sexual orientation or gender identity." Now attention will shift to New York where the Bill to legalise same-sex marriage is before the state Senate. One Senator has said he already has the votes to get the Bill passed, something that opponents of the Bill have said amounts to a mind game, but since when were mind games off limits in politics? Watch this space…

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